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1.临界压力锅炉 supercriticalpressure boiler

2. 亚临界压力锅炉 subcriticalpressure boiler

3. 超高压锅炉 super-highpressure boiler

4. 蒸汽锅炉 steam boiler

5. 蒸汽发生器 steam generator

6.液态排渣锅炉 wet bottomboiler

7. 固态排渣锅炉 dry bottomboiler

8. 燃煤锅炉 coal-firedboiler

9.燃气锅炉 Gas-fired boiler

10.燃油锅炉 oil-fired boiler

11.自然循环锅炉 naturalcirculation boiler

12.汽包(锅筒)锅炉 drum boiler

13.强制循环锅炉 controlledcirculation boiler

14.直流锅炉 once-throughboiler

15.复合循环锅炉 combinedcirculation boiler

16.旋风炉 cyclone furnaceboiler

17.沸腾炉 fluidized bedcombustion(FBC)boiler

18.循环硫化床 circulatingfluidized bed combustion(FBC)boiler

19.增压循环硫化床锅炉 pressurizedcirculating fluidized bed combustion(PCFBC) boiler

20.链条锅炉 chain-grateboiler

21.热水锅炉 hot-water boiler

22.废热(余热)锅炉 water-heatboiler, heat recover steam generator(HRSG)

23.启动锅炉 start-up boiler

24.厂用锅炉 auxiliary boiler

25.垃圾焚烧锅炉 refuse-firedboiler, refuse incinerator

27.露天锅炉 outdoor boiler

28.单炉膛锅炉 single furnaceboiler

29.双炉膛锅炉 twin furnaceboiler

30.W火焰锅炉 W-flame boiler,vertical-fired boiler

31.L火焰锅炉 L-shape furnaceboiler

32.塔式锅炉 tower boiler

33.箱式锅炉 box-type boiler

34.炉墙 furnace wall

35. 汽包(锅筒) drum

36.封头 head

37.汽包封头 drum end plate,drum head

38.下降管 downcomer

39.集中下降管 centralizeddowncomer

40.分散下降管 distributeddowncomer

41.上升管 riser

42.管束(排) tube bundle

43.管屏 tube platen

44.省煤器管 economizer tube

45.过热器管 superheated tube

46.再热器管 reheater tube

47.蛇形管 coil

48.吊挂管 supporting tube

49.引入管 inlet pipe

50.引出管 outlet pipe

51.饱和蒸汽管 saturated steampipe

52.水冷壁管 water wall tube

53.鳍片 finned tube, fintube, gilled tube

54.内螺纹管 rifled tube,grooved tube

55.吸潮管 moistureabsorption piping

56.水冷壁 water wall

57.膜式水冷壁 membrane wall

58.内螺纹水冷壁 rifled tubewater wall

59.联箱 header

60.集汽联箱 steam header

61.卫燃带 bailey wall,refractory belt

62包墙管(包覆管) wallenclosure tube

63.防渣管(弗斯顿管) slagscreen, feston tube

64.锅炉本体 boiler proper

65.锅炉机组 boiler unit

66.锅炉构架 boiler structure

67.炉膛 boiler framework

68.燃烧器 furnace

69.直流式燃烧器 direct-flowburner

70.旋流式燃烧器 turbulentburner

71.NOX燃烧器 low NOXburner

72.摇摆式燃烧器 tilting burner

73.缝隙式燃烧器 split burner

74.燃烧室 combustionchamber

75.油枪 oil gun torch

76.风门 damper

77.一次风 primary air

78.二次风 secondary air

79.三次风 tertiary air

80.煤粉管道 pulverized coalpiping

81.管板 tube plate

82.沸点 boilingtemperature

83.过热器 superheater

84.前屏过热器 front platensuperheater

85.后屏过热器 rear platesuperheater

86.对流过热器 convectionsuperheater

87.辐射过热器 radiantsuperheater

88.屏式过热器 platesuperheater

89.顶棚过热器 ceilingsuperheater

90.包墙过热器 wall enclosuresuperheater

91.前包墙过热器 front wallenclosure superheater

92.后包墙过热器 rear wallenclosure superheater

93.侧包墙过热器 side wallenclosure superheater

94.吹灰器 soot blower

95.转动式吹灰器 rotary sootbolwer

96.伸缩式吹灰器 retractablesoot blower

97.受热面积 heating surfacearea, heat absorption area

98.炉膛容积 furnace volume

99.炉膛热负荷 furnace heatrelease rate, furnace heating absorption rate

100.汽水分离器 steamseparator, moisture separator

101.起动分离器 startingseparator

102.再循环管 recirculatingpiping

103.暖风器 steam air heater

104.再热器 reheater

105.再热器冷段 primaryreheater

106.再热器热段 final reheater

107.顶棚 ceiling

108.省煤器 economizer

109.管式省煤器 tube economizer

110.管式空气预热器 tubular airpreheater

111.回转式(再生式)空气预热器regenerative air preheater, rotary air preheater

112.板式空气预热器 plate airpreheater

113.空气预热器 air preheater

114.三分仓空气预热器 trisectorregenerative air preheater

115.漏风系数 air leakagecoefficient

116.漏风率 air leakage ratio

117.漏风系统 air leakagesystem

118.漏风试验 air leakage test

119.安全门 safety valve

120.安全门开启压力 openingpressure of safety valve

121.安全门回座压力 safety valvereseating pressure

122.安全门压力整定试验 pressuresetting test of safety valve

123.安全门动作压力 safety valveoperating pressure

124.饱和蒸汽安全门 saturatedsteam safety valve

125. 过热蒸汽安全门 superheatedsteam safety valve

126.再热蒸汽安全门 reheatedsteam safety valve

127.防暴门 explosion vent

128.检查孔 inspection hole

129.事故喷水阀 emergency waterspray valve

130.汽包事故放水 emergency drumdrain valve

131.三通阀 three-way valve

132.反冲洗阀 back wash valve

133.取样阀 sampling valve

134.插板 gate

135.给水大旁路门 feedwateroverall bypass valve

136.给水小旁路门 feedwaterindividual bypass valve

137.大板梁 plate girder,upper beam

138.外护板 outer casing

139.锅炉排污 blowdown

140.定期排污扩容器 intermittentblowdown flash tank

141.连续排污扩容器 continuousblowdown flash tank

142.灰斗 ash hopper

143.冷灰斗 bottom ashhopper, furnace hopper

144.混合器 mixer

145.齿圈(大牙轮) ring gear,geared ring

146.空调器 air conditioner

147.空气压缩机 air compressor

148.给煤机 coal feeder

149.皮带式给煤机 belt coalfeeder

150.刮板式给煤机 scraper coalfeeder

151.叶轮式给煤机 paddle coalfeeder

152.给粉机 pulverizer coalfeeder

153.磨煤机 coal pulverizer,coal mill

154.钢球磨煤机 tube mill

155.中速辊式磨煤机 roller mill,bowl mill, disk roll mill

156.双进双出钢求磨煤机 doubleinlet and outlet tube mill

157.中速磨煤机 medium speedmill

158.风扇磨煤机 beater wheelmill, beater mill

159.排粉风机 pulverized coalexhauster

160.一次风机 primary air fan

161. 烟气再循环风机 gasrecirculation fan

162.送风机 forced draft fan,force fan

163.引风机 induced draftfan, induced fan

164.离心风机 centrifugal fan

165.轴流风机 axial-flow fan166.双速风机 double speed fan

167.轴流静叶可调风机 adjustablestatic-blade axial-flow fan fixed pitch axial-flow fan

168.轴流动叶可调风机 adjustablemoving-blade axial-flow fan variable pitch axial-flow fan

169.原煤斗 raw coal bunker,raw coal silo

170.煤粉仓 pulverized coalbunker

171.输粉机 pulverized coalconveyer

172.刮板输粉机 scraperpulverized coal conveyer

173.螺旋输粉机 pulverized coalscrew conveyer

174.粗粉分离器 classifier

175.细粉分离器(旋风分离器) cycloneseparator

176.锁气器 air lock, flap

177.减速机 speed reduce

178.看火孔 observation hole

179.人孔门 man hole

180.重油泵 heavy oil pump

181.重油加热器 heavy oilheater

182.-汽热交换器 biflux

183.煤气罐 gas tank

184.膨胀补偿节 expansion joint

185.直吹式制粉系统 direct firingpulverizing system

186.中贮式制粉系统 bin storagetype pulverizing system

187.锅炉效率 boilerefficiency

188.锅炉热力计算 boilerthermodynamic calculation

189.锅炉空气动力计算 boileraerodynamic calculation

190.锅炉水循环计算 boiler watercirculation calculation

191.锅炉水力计算 boilerhydrodynamic calculation

192.锅炉强度计算 boilerstrength calculation

193.锅炉热平衡 boiler heatbalance calculation

194.正平衡法 direct balancemethod

195.反平衡法 indirect balancemethod

196.过剩空气系数 excess aircoefficient

197.排烟温度 flue gastemperature

198.单位蒸量 specificevaporation

199.低温腐蚀 low temperaturecorrosion

200.高温腐蚀 high temperaturecorrosion

201.结渣 lagging

202.结垢腐蚀 depositcorrosion

203.飞灰磨损 fly ash erosion

204炉膛负压 furnace draft

205.最高允许温度 maximumpermissible temperature

206.炉膛正压 furnace pressure

207.水循环 water circulation

208.循环倍率 circulationratio

209.除尘器 dust collector,precipitator

210.静电除尘器 electrostaticprecipitator

211.整流装置 rectifyingdevice

212.锤打装置 rapping gear

213.含尘浓度 dust loadingconcentration

214.煤灰细度 dust fineness

215.除尘效率 dust collectionefficiency

216.干式除尘器 dry dustcollector

217.湿式除尘器 wet dustcollector, scrubber

218.文丘里除尘器 venturescrubber

219.布袋除尘器 fabric filter,bag house

220.钢珠除尘装置 shot-cleaningdevice

221.水膜式除尘器 centrifugalscrubber

222.灰渣泵 ash pump, slagpump

223.轴封泵 shaft sealingpump

224.灰浆泵 ash slurry pump

225.除尘水泵 dedusting pump

226.回收水池 water recoverypond

227.清水池 clean water pond

228.灰浆池 ash slurry pond

229.油泵坑 oil pump pit

230.灰库 ash silo

231.灰场 ash yard

232.灰坝 ash yard dam

233.耐火砖 firebrick

234.保温材料 heat-insulatingmaterial

235.干式除灰(气力除灰) pneumaticpressure ash handling

236.水力除灰 hydraulic ashhandling

237.正压气力除灰 pneumaticpressure ash handling

238.负压气力除灰 pneumaticpressure ash handling

239.仓式泵 fluidizingtransporter

240.空气斜槽 airslide, airgravity conveyor

241.灰渣分除 bottom and flyash separate handling

242.灰渣混除 bottom and flyash mixed handling

243.灰渣利用 bottom and flyash recovery

244.排渣槽 bottom ash hopper

245.埋刮板捞渣机 submerged slagconveyor

246.螺旋式捞渣机 screw slagconveyor

247.碎渣机 clinker grinder,slag crusher

248.振动筛 vibrating screen

249.稳燃器 flame stabiliaer

250.燃烧器蜗壳 burner spiralcase

251.雾化器 atomization

252.机械雾化 mechanicalatomization

253.蒸汽雾化 steamatomization

254.空气雾化 air atomization

255.气固两相流动 gas-solidtwo-phase flow

256.闭路循环 closed cycle

257.蒸汽带水 carryoery

258.炉膛灭火 boiler flamefailure, boiler flame blackout

259.稳定燃烧 stablecombustion

260.压力容器 pressure vessel

261.支吊架 supports andhangers

262.原煤管道 raw coal piping

263.风道 air duct

264.热风道 hot air duct

265.冷风道 cold air duct

266.穿墙套管 wall-throughbushing, wall-bushing

267.伸缩节 expansion joint

268.送粉管道 pulverized coalfeed piping

269.燃油管道 fuel oil piping

270.风管道 air piping

271.一次风管道 primary airpiping

272.二次风管道 secondary airpiping

273.落粉管 pulverized coalchute

274.除灰管道 ash piping

275.烟道 gas dust, gas pass

276.尾部烟道 convection fluegas pass

277.煤气管 gas piping

278.连续排污管 continuousblowdown piping

279.烟囱 chimney, stack

280.多管式烟囱 multi-fluechimney

281.燃烧 combustion

282.四角喷射燃烧 corner firing

283.燃烧速度 combustion rate

284.机械未完全燃烧热损失 heat lossdue to mechanical incomplete combustion

285化学未完全燃烧热损失 heat lossdue to chemical incomplete combustion

286.灰渣热损失 heat loss dueto sensible heat in refuse

287.排烟热损失 heat loss dueto flue gas

288.散热损失 heat loss due toradiation

289.热损失 heat loss

290.火焰 flame

291.不稳定燃烧 instablecombustion

292.负压燃烧 balance draftcombustion

293.微负压燃烧 pressurizedcombustion

294.炉膛容积热负荷 furnacevolume heat release rate

295.炉膛温度 furnacetemperature

296.锅炉水循环 boiler watercirculation

297.偏离泡核沸腾 departure fromnucleate boiling(DNB)

298.水压试验 hydraulic test

299.汽水共沸 priming

300.点火 ignition

301.点火准备 ignitionpreparation

302.着火点 firing point,ignition temperature

303.折焰角 nose

304.飞灰 fly ash

305.煤粉细度 fineness ofpulverized coal

306. ash

307.灰的熔化点 ash fushiontemperature, ash fushion point, ash melting point

308.可磨系数 grindabilityindex

309.最大蒸发量 maximumevaporation

310.锅炉热平衡 boiler heatbalance

311.超负荷运行 overloadoperation

312.正压 positive pressure

313.负压 negative pressure

314.理论空气量 theoretical airquantity

315.过剩空气量 excess airquantity

316.冷风 cold air

317.热风 hot air

318.除渣 slag removal

319.烟气 flue gas

320.锅炉上水 boiler waterfilling

321.蠕胀爆管 tube burst dueto creep

322.汽包满水 overfeed ofwater into drum

323.锅炉灭火 boiler fireextinction

324.爆燃 puff

325.爆炸(外爆) explosion

326.内爆 implosion

327.防爆 anti-explosion

328.煤粉自燃 pulverized coalself-ignition, pulverized coal spontaneous combustion

329.堵灰 ash fouling

330.堵煤 coal jamming, coalplugging

331.燃烧切圆 firing tangentialcircle

332.火焰中心 flame center

333.积粉 pulverized coaldeposits

334.粉灰 ash deposits

335.飞灰可燃物 combustibles infly ash

336.点火用油 fuel oil forignition

337.飞灰腐蚀 fly ashcorrosion

338.受热面 heating surface

339.辐射受热面 radiationheating surface

340.对流受热面 convectionheating surface

341.尾部受热面 rear heatrecovery surface

342.含氧量 oxygen content

343.蒸发量 evaporation,evaporative capacity

344.切换风 air switch-over

345.煤耗率 coal consumptionrate

346.入炉煤发热量 heating valueof the as fired coal

347.停炉 boiler shutdown

348.熄火 fire-off

349.灰水回收 recovery of ashslurry water

350.细灰 fine ash

351.粗灰 coarse ash

352.干灰 dry ash

353.湿灰 wet ash

354.燃烧系数 combustionsystem, firing system

355.制粉系统 coal pulverizingsystem

356.除灰系统 ash handlingsystem


357.汽轮机 steam turbine

358.凝汽式汽轮机 condensingsteam turbine

359.背压式汽轮机 back pressureturbine

360.抽汽式汽轮机 steamextraction turbine

361.中间再热式汽轮机 reheatingtype steam turbine

362.供热式汽轮机 steam supplyturbine, heat supply turbine, cogeneration turbine

363.冲动式汽轮机 impulseturbine

364. reactionturbine

365.轴流式汽轮机 axial flowturbine

366.辐流式汽轮机 radial flowturbine

367.单轴汽轮机 tandem compoundturbine, single-shaft turbine

368.双轴汽轮机 double-shaftturbine, cross compound turbine

369.前置式汽轮机 toppingturbine

370.燃气轮机 gas turbine

371.高压汽轮机 high pressureturbine

372.中压汽轮机 medium pressureturbine

373.低压汽轮机 low pressureturbine

374.超高压汽轮机 ultra pressureturbine

375.亚临界压力汽轮机 subcriticalpressure turbine

376.超临界压力汽轮机supercritical pressure turbine

377.空冷式汽轮机组 air cooledturbine unit

378.燃气轮机组(装置) gas turbineunit

379.高压汽缸high-pressure(HP) cylinder

380.中压汽缸intermediate-pressure(IP) cylinder

381.低压汽缸 low-pressure(LP)cylinder

382.内汽缸 inner casing

383.外汽缸 outer casing

384.上汽缸 upper casing

385.下汽缸 lower casing

386.汽缸法兰螺栓加热装置 cylinderflange heating appliance

387.汽缸台板(底板) cylindersole pin

388.汽缸猫爪 cylinder claw

389.滑销 sliding pin

390.横销 traverse pin

391.纵销 longitudinal pin

392.立销 vertical pin

393.定位销 aligning pin,locating pin

394.汽轮机转子 turbine rotor

395.叶轮 blade disc

396.叶片 blade, bucket

397.动叶片 moving blade

398.静叶片 stationary blade

399.叶根型式 type of bladeroot

400.末级叶片长度 length of laststage blade

401.喷嘴室 nozzle box

402.末级叶片强度 last stageblade stress

403.排汽室 steam exhausthood

404.喷嘴 nozzle

405.围带 shroud ring

406.拉筋(拉金) lacing wire

407.平衡块 balance weight

408.固定螺钉 dowel

409.隔板 diaphragm

410.隔板套 diaphragm sleeve

411.隔板汽封 diaphragm seal,diaphragm sealing

412.汽封 steam seal gland,steam sealing

413.迷宫式汽封 labyrinth seal

414.梳齿式汽封 serrate-typesteam seal

415.汽封套 seal bushing

416.汽封块 seal block

417.汽封齿 seal tooth

418.轴承支架 bearing stoll,bearing bracket

419.主轴承箱 main bearing box

420.滚珠轴承 ball bearing

421.滚柱轴承 roller bearing

422.滑动轴承 sliding bearing

423.推力轴承 thrust bearing

424.止推环 thrust collar

425.瓦枕 bearing pillow

426.锁饼 lock

427.推力瓦块 thrust bearingpad

428.主油泵 main oil pump

429.备用油泵 emergencybearing oil pump

430.调速油泵 regulation oilpump, speed governing oil pump

431.交流润滑油泵 AC lube oilpump

432.直流润滑油泵 DC lube oilpump

433.注油器 oil injector

434.同步器 synchronizer

435.同步器手轮 synchronizerhand wheel

436.控制滑阀 pilot valve

437.随动滑阀 servo-valve

438.分配滑阀 distributingpilot valve, distributor valve

439.中间滑阀 intermediatevalve

440.微分器 differentiator

441.功率限制器 load limiter

442.动态校正器 dynamiccorrector

443.滑阀套 valve sleeve

444.喷油嘴 oil nozzle

445.弹性调速器 flexiblegovernor

446.调速器挡块 governor stop

447.危急遮断器滑阀 emergencytrip pilot valve

448.撞击子 ram

449.防火滑阀 fire protectionpilot valve

450.延滞滑阀 delay pilotvalve

451.跟踪滑阀 follow-up pilotvalve

452.-液转换器electro-hydraulic converter, electro-hydraulic transducer

453.切换滑阀 change-overpilot valve

454.危急保安器 emergencygovernor

455.危急保安器滑阀 emergencygovernor pilot valve

456.超速试验滑阀 overspeed testpilot valve

457.喷油试验滑阀 nozzle testpilot valve

458.反馈滑阀 feedback pilotvalve

459.起动排油阀 oil drain valveat star-up

460.紧急放油阀 emergency oilrelieve valve

461.排油口 oil diachargeoutlet

462.节流滑阀 throttle pilotvalve

463.滑动油阀 movable pilotvalve

464.高压自动关闭器 high-pressureautomatic closing gear

465.中压自动关闭器 mediumpressure automatic closing gear

466.高压油动机(高压伺服马达)high-pressure hydraulic actuator, high-pressure servo-motor

467.中压油动机 medium-pressurehydraulic actuator, medium-pressure servo-motor

468.杠杆 lever

469. shaft

470.主轴 main shaft

471.传动轴(主动轴) drivenshaft

472.被动轴(从动轴) driven shaft

473.小轴 axle

474.联轴器 coupling

475.刚性联轴器 rigid coupling

476.半挠性联轴器 semi-flexiblecoupling

477.齿型联轴器 serratedcoupling

478.冷油器 oil cooler

479.溢油器 oil overflowvalve

480.排油烟机 oil-fumeextractor, oil fume exhaust

481.油烟分离器 oil-fumeseparator

482.油净化器 oil purifier,oil conditioner

483.过滤罐 filtering tank

484.布袋式过滤器 bag filter,fabric filter

485.齿轮油泵 gear oil pump

486.顶轴油泵 jacking oil pump

487.柱塞式油泵 piston type oilpump

488.螺杆式油泵 worm type oilpump

489.盘车装置 turning gear

490.盘车手轮 turning gearhand wheel

491.化桩板 lagging enclosure

492.齿轮 gear

493.直齿式齿轮 spur gear

494.斜齿式齿轮 helical gear

495.伞型齿轮 bevel gear

496.蜗轮 worm wheel

497.蜗杆 worm stem

498.弹簧 spring

499.密封油箱 sealing oil tank

500.空气侧交流密封油泵 air side ACsealing oil pump

501.空气侧支流密封油泵 air side DCsealing oil pump

502.压差阀 differentialpressure valve

503.平衡阀 balancing valve

504.密封瓦 sealing pad

505.缓冲油箱 buffer oil tank

506.高位油箱 head oil tank,elevated oil tank

507.事故油箱 emergency oiltank

508.磁性过滤器 magnetic filter

509.发电机内冷水箱 generatorinner cooling water tank

510.发电机内冷水泵 generatorinner cooling water pump

511.离子交换器 ion exchanger

512.干燥器 dryer, drier

513.冷凝式干燥器 condensingtype drier

514.凝汽器 condenser

515.多压式凝汽器 multi-pressurecondenser

516.单流程凝汽器 single-passcondenser

517.双流程凝汽器 double-passcondenser

518.黄铜管 brass tube

519.管板 tube plate

520.凝汽器喉部 condenserthroat

521.热水井 hot well

522.凝结水泵 condensate pump

523.泵壳 pump casing

524.盘根 gland packing

525.盘根压盖 gland top cover

526.盘根端盖 gland end cover

527.填料 packing

528.轴封抽汽风机 shaft sealextraction fan

529.轴封抽汽冷却器 shaft sealextraction cooler, gland cooler

530.轴封漏汽加热器 shaft sealleakage heater

531.低压加热器 low-pressurefeed water heater

532.中压加热器 media-pressurefeed water heater

533.高压加热器 high-pressurefeed water heater

534.蒸汽冷却器 steam cooler

535.疏水冷却器 drain water cooler

536.汽侧 steam side

537.水侧 water side

538.U型管 U-tube

539.除氧器 deaerator

540.储水池 water storagepond

541.卧式除氧器 horizontal typedeaerator

542.立式除氧器 vertical typedeaerator

543.喷雾式除氧器 atomizing typedeaerator

544.淋水盘 water sprayingtray, sprinkling tray

545.除氧水箱 deaerated watertank

546.稳压水箱 surge watertank, stabilizing water tank

547.除盐水箱 demineralizedwater tank

548.除盐水泵 demineralizedwater pump

549.汽动给水泵 steam-drivenfeed water pump

550.电动调速给水泵 motor-drivenvariable speed feed water pump

551.前置水泵 booster pump

552.给水泵 feed water pump

553.机械密封 mechanical seal

554.碳精密封环 carbon sealring, carbon packing ring

555.动环 moving ring

556.静环 static ring

557.平衡盘 balancing disc

558.液力偶合器 hydrauliccoupler

559.泵轮(主动轮) pumpimpeller, driving impeller

560.涡轮(从动轮) whirlingimpeller, driven impeller

561.勺管 scoop tube

562.辅助油泵 auxiliary oilpump

563.疏水泵 drain pump

564.疏水扩容器 drain flashtank

565.疏水箱 drain tank

566.热网加热器 heater forheating network, heating network hot water heater

567.生水加热器 raw waterheater

568.热网水泵 pump for heatingnetwork, heating network hot water pump

569.生水泵 raw water pump

570.除尘水泵 pump forscrubber, scrubber water pump

571.壳体 case, shell

572.水室 water chamber

573.封头 end cover

574.挡板 baffle plate

575.导流板 guide plate

576.射水泵 water jet pump

577.真空泵 vaccum pump

578.射水抽气器 water jet airejector

579.射汽抽气器 steam jet airejector

580.射水池 water jet pond

581.排水池 drain water pond

582.工业水泵 industrial waterpump, service water pump

583.排污泵 blowdown pump

584.轴流泵 axial flow pump

585.清水泵 clean water pump

586.污水泵 sewage pump

587.排水泵 water dischargepump

588.立式深井泵 verticaldeep-well pump

589.深井泵 deep-well pump

590.潜水泵 submerged pump

591.循环水泵 circulatingwater pump

592.清污机 trash remover

593.混流泵 mixed flow pump

594.离心泵 centrifugal pump

595.旋转滤网 rotating typescreen, screw type strainer

596.胶球泵 rubber ballrecirculating pump

597.收球网 ball screen

598.装球网 ball collector

599.管式冷却器 tubular cooler,tube type cooler

599/1.支撑斜钢 supporting wedge

600.板式冷却器 plate typecooler

601.冷却水池 cooling waterpond

602.喷水池 spraying waterpond

603.冷却水塔 cooling tower

604.自然通风冷却塔 natural draftcooling tower

605.逆流式冷却塔 reverse flowcooling tower

606.横流式塔 transverse flowcooling tower

607.机力通风冷却塔 mechanicaldraft cooling tower

608.空气冷却塔 air coolingtower

609.干式冷却塔 dry coolingtower

610.分水槽 water diversionchannel

611.竖井 shaft, well

612.闸板井 gate well

613.闸门室 gate chamber,gate house

614.挡风板 air baffle plate

615.新(主)蒸汽管道 main steampiping, live steam piping

616.主蒸汽系统 main steamsystem

617.再热蒸汽系统 reheat steamsyetem

618.抽汽系统 extraction steamsystem

619.轴封供汽系统 shaft sealsteam supply system

620.轴封 shaft seal

621.门杆漏汽系统 valve leverleakage steam system

622.汽缸法兰螺栓加热系统 casingflange and bolt heating system

623.真空系统 vaccum system

624.凝结水系统 condensatesystem

625.再热蒸汽管道 reheat steamsystem

626.给水系统 feed watersystem

627.循环水系统 circulatingwater system

628.工业水系统 industrialwater system, service water system

629.供油系统 oil supplysystem

630.密封油系统 seal oil system

631.厂用蒸汽系统 auxiliarysteam system

632.调速系统 speed governingsystem

633.电液调速系统electro-hydraulic speed governing system

634.发电机内冷水系统 generatorinner cooling water system

635.热网系统 heating networksystem

636.导汽管 steam lead pipe

637.连通管 inter-connectingpipe

638.抽汽管道 steam extractionpipe

639.抽汽母管 steam extractionheader

640.厂用蒸汽管道 plant servicesteam piping

641.厂用蒸汽母管 plant servicesteam header

642.蒸汽旁路系统 steam bypasssystem

643.蒸汽大旁路 single stagesteam bypass

644.一级蒸汽旁路 first stagesteam bypass

645.二级蒸汽旁路 second stagesteam bypass

646.辅助蒸汽母管 auxiliarysteam header

647.供汽联箱 steam header

648.回汽联箱 return steamheader

649.供水联箱 water supplyheader

650.回水联箱 return waterheader

651.门杆漏汽管道 valve leversteam leakage piping

652.轴封漏汽管道 shaft sealleakage steam piping

653.抽空气管道 air extractionpiping

654.压缩空气管道 compressed airpiping

655.氢气管道 hydrogen piping

656.疏水管道 drain waterpiping

657.凝结水管道 condensatepiping

658.循环水管道 circulatingwater piping

659.工业水管道 industrialwater piping, service water piping

660.冷却水管道 cooling waterpiping


仪表工meter repairer 

高级工程师senior engineer 

实习生trainee worker  

安规safety regulations/rules  



汽机(锅炉)巡视turbine/boiler inspector 

车间主任workshop director 

司机turbine driver 




班长fore man  

当值on (the ) shift  


操作规程operation regulation 


热工thermal engineering  



锅炉班the boiler gang 

汽机班the turbine gang  

管道班the pipe gang  

热工调节班the thermal governing section   

厂用电auxiliary power 

装机容量installed capacity  


10亿千瓦时TWH=terawatt hour  

兆伏安MVA=megavolt ampere 

高峰负荷peak load  

低谷负荷valley load  

电力网络(电网)power network / electric power network 

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